Sponsorship & Community Support

Alberta Pond Hockey Association is a non-profit organization that relies on community support. If you’re interested in helping us make Alberta Pond Hockey the best tournament possible, please let us know!

  • We appreciate all levels of Sponsorship The from businesses.
  • Volunteers are essential to the success of the games.
  • Interested in membership and becoming a voting

 Alberta Pond Hockey Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Platinum – $10,000 or greater
  • Gold – $5,000 – $9,999
  • Silver – $1,000 – $4,999
  • Bronze – Under $1,000

Sponsors of each of the above listed opportunities will have the opportunity to advertise their company on event site as well as listed on the event website


Your company name will be placed on a sandwich board in front of one of the ice surfaces and listed / diagrammed in the tournament program.

These programs will be given out without charge to all of the participating teams and will also be available free to event guests. Previous years have estimated event attendance at more than 3,000 people. Your company can choose to place a quarter page advertisement for $250, a half page advertisement for $500 or a full page for $1,000.

Your company name will be placed on one side of the pucks used during the event.

Your company name will be placed at the entrance of the 8,000 square foot main tent which is also near the main board recording the tournament scores, company name in the program, company name used in radio ads advertising the event.

Your company name on the stage at the gala, company name in the program, company name used in radio ads advertising the Gala Evening.

Your company name at the pond hockey site and on the championship trophy, company name in the program, company name used in radio ads advertising the event.

Other opportunities include various Gift-in-Kind donations pertaining to site operations. We require manpower and machinery for tasks such as snow removal, road clearing, ice surfacing, transporting supplies etc. Other items the association would appreciate having donated include: Bleachers, Barricades, Picnic tables, Garbage Cans, Port-a-potties, Trailer, Hammer Drill, Light Towers, Portable Heaters, Generators, Bobcats, etc.



